Syrian actions speak louder than Syrian words


As more Syrians are graduating from IIT every semester, we had a challenge to maintain the Syrian club this year. The question was whether it was worth it to keep the club running with fewer members and bigger loads of work than ever before.
With the advice of two amazing mentors of ours, we decided to keep the club running and 6 passionate Syrian students volunteered to maintain our platform to make our voices heard.

We realized that by organizing events to share Syrian pictures, music, and traditional food, we would make a much wider and more memorable impact on the IIT community than just speaking about the elements of our culture.
Although this decision was a hard one due to the load of work all of us have this semester, the motivation to speak up about our culture and present a different, and better, side of Syria was great.
When it comes to having the choice to correctly express yourself and your culture to the public, it’s a no-brainer.

Majed Abdulsamad
B. Architecture candidate 16′
Illinois Institute of Technology

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  1. I’m totally agree, Syrian actions speak louder than Syrian words. Keep the voices heard

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