The first step to success!!

It was back when I first entered elementary school, that my views, opinions,[and] imagination started to grow. I was excited partly because I will finally get to change my old school uniform, and wear a new one that suits the new academic level I reached. But just as how symbolic this transition was, so did…


The other day, a friend sent me a link to a video titled #SyriaShines. Now it’s understandable why I would be excited about any piece that would shine some light on Syrians other than the news outlets mostly concerned with politics and conflict updates. But this one was exceptionally touching to me. It shows a…

Top 5 Reasons Why I Want to Be A Business Analyst

  When I first started my degree in Civil Engineering I was really excited to learn everything on how to build things and solve complex problems. I knew I had a passion for finding solutions and understanding how things work, which made me believe that civil engineering would be perfect for me, especially since I have a solid background in…

Three Reasons to Consult With Peer Career Coaches on Campus

Having been only a couple of weeks in my new position as a Peer Career Coach at Illinois Institute of Technology, I can already see how beneficial this program is for students on campus. Beside the fulfillment I get from helping my fellow students in preparing their resumes and pursuing their career goals,  I believe that this…

Designed in California for the Universe.

This summer I had the privilege of working as a Software Engineering Intern for one of the most prominent technology companies in the world. And since we are talking about prominent technology company, we definitely mean California, precisely the Silicon Valley. The beautiful the weather is in California, the nature, trees, landscape reminded me of…

IIT Alumni Association

One of the important lessons that I learned upon my arrival to the United States centers on the value of the practical experience available to undergraduate students in order for them to explore and prepare for a career that will be rewarding – both professionally and personally – and fulfilling. At Illinois Tech, co-ops and internships provide the opportunity…

Tears of pride in LA,

Last week I was in Los Angeles for Jusoor’s third annual conference, where  the birth of Jusoor Alumni Association was announced by one of the first Jusoor students in the US. This announcement brought tears to people’s eyes and I will try to elaborate on this in few sentences to show how significant and meaningful…

The Language of Silence

Last week I had the chance to read a very interesting book that discusses the power of introverted people and their chances to be a successful leaders in their societies. Susan Cain’s, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” shares her own difficulties as a Wall Street lawyer with regard…

Internships and Co-Ops in Syria

The term “internship” sounds pretty familiar to everyone here in the U.S., however, this isn’t the case for the students in Syria. In fact, students there don’t have any on-campus career fairs, at least not as far as I know. I remember when I was studying at the University of Aleppo, a bunch of my…