Syrian Dabke: the true representation of who we are

The Syrian Dancers after their performance
The Syrian Dancers after their performance

Yesterday was one of my best days so far since I came to IIT. The international student organization at IIT had their annual cultural event for different groups and organizations to present their cultures through performances and dances wearing their traditional clothing.

Along with the Chinese, Africans, West Africans, Ethiopians and Vietnamese students and other cultures; we, the Syrians, have also presented our culture with our cultural dance ‘Dabkeh’.

It was awesome not only because we had the chance to be a part of this beautiful event and that we were played a part of the diversity at IIT’s community, but also because for one night, the Syrian club presented an image that is very different from what the world has been seeing from our country lately.

This time it wasn’t a vigil, there was no death and no tears. The war scene didn’t make it to Herman Hall auditorium last night. Our true culture did. Our smiles and moves, that we learned from our ancestors, and our cultural outfits were brighter than our pain. It was a glance from the beautiful past of our country and our promising future.

Last night, when people heard the word Syria they thought of me and 13 other young Syrians, girls and guys presenting a culture and contributing to the human heritage proudly in peace. And that is something to be proud of.
Thank you Syrians, thank you ISO and IIT.

Here is a link to the video of the performance:


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