To help my country in the future

Imagine leaving all your life behind you, your home, your friends and your college. Imagine leaving all the plans that you had for the future since you were six years old. I know it looks like a nightmare, but this was exactly what happened to me around seven months ago in Damascus after I had to leave Syria because of the crises that is happening over there.

I came to Egypt without knowing what will happen to my future and education; I spent the last seven months trying to bring my life back to normal, but no matter what I did it wasn’t working; it seemed that my life was paused. I knew deep down that this is not the right place for me, until the 26th of April the day that changed my whole life; the day that every thing was fixed in a one E-mail from a university in the United states of America.

It started by receiving an E-mail from Illinois Institute of Technology congratulating me for being accepted in a scholarship to continue my education in Civil Engineering in IIT. In just a second and like a spell of a magician everything seemed to be fixed, Studying in one of the best universities in United States of America, having the exact future that I always wanted to have, and most importantly being prepared and able to help my country in the future, a country that suffered in two year what is enough to almost kill hope.

This opportunity will launch my career . Listing a study abroad experience on my resume can enhance my chances for a successful job; it will not only say something about my academic achievements, but also about my personal ambition and determination.

Studying in USA will increase my understanding to other cultural values and biases, it will help to improve my understanding and skills to navigate effectively, humanely and positively across different cultures.

The experience of living and learning in the USA will help me to create a lifelong bond of friendship .I know that living my life beyond the borders of my country will have profound effect on my academic, professional and personal development.

Last month was the busiest month in my life it started by telling everybody I know about the wonderful opportunity that I got and ended by getting my Visa and booking a ticket to Chicago .

In the end I can say that Studying in IIT will not only help me to continue my education, but also will be the journey of a life time, and it will influence my subsequent educational endeavors.


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  1. gpdoyle says:

    We are very grateful for these reflections from one of the new Syrian students who will join us for the start of classes in August 2013. As with all of our students, they carry a deep and long standing support for their fellow university peers some of whom remain in Syria, others who have departed for neighboring countries, and others who have lost their lives in the more than two-year conflict.

    Ever inspiring is the continued work that so many Syrian university students and young professional pursue to advance the dreams of young children. In future posts, you will learn more about the work of Jasmine Baladi Studio from S. Ibrahim; until then, let me share this recent brief video which he posted on You Tube:


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