Arabic Lessons IIT habibi Y U NO learn عربي ?



Connecting global societies is part of our mission as the Syrian Club at Illinois Institute of Technology, and since verbal communication is the strongest method of connecting people, we aimed to introduce the IIT community to our Arabic Language by teaching conversational Arabic lessons to students.

For our surprise, many people were interested to learn our language, which encouraged us to make weekly free Arabic lessons to everyone interested in learning this rich language. We also decided to announce that our lessons will continue next semester, and this decision was faced with greetings from the students.

As many of you may wonder, isn’t the Arabic language one of the hardest languages? And doesn’t it need an expert to teach it?

I can tell you that we learned very good methods to teach Arabic, and had a good research to find the easiest ways to help students understand and love our language.

We will keep spreading knowledge and peace throughout our organization to show people the true Syrian culture.

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  1. Kinan says:

    This is awesome!

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